Are you looking for the highest paying job without a degree? With student loans drastically climbing up, it's no wonder that some people are looking for alternative ways to make good money. We all know it. Hence, having a bachelor’s degree or a college education...
Mosun Solebo
35+ Best Business Ideas For Women (earn over $3-$5k/month!)
The women around the world today are moving towards empowerment. They are more into finding their niche in the corporate world, making a name for themselves. More significantly, many women today are exploring and getting into entrepreneurship. Furthermore,...
How To Build Your Credit Score: Is Chime Credit Builder Legit?
Is Chime credit builder legit? Let's find out! For others, automatically owning a credit card means bad debt. However, it only means one thing. A payable that you need to commit to paying or else could affect your financial standing. There are multiple financial...
Current App Codes For Money- How To Get One For Gains?
In today’s digital age, almost everyone has converted to online banking. So if you haven’t got one, you must have one! Not only does it offer a more competitive interest rate than most traditional banks, but the convenience it provides is also just immense. Today, one...
Greenlight Kids App- Teach the value of earning with chores & allowances
Greenlight Kids App, have you heard about it? If you want to raise money-smart kids, you can start by teaching them the value of earning, saving, budgeting, and investing. These are the fundamental four pillars or foundation of financial literacy. And, with today’s...
How much does GoHenry Cost?- Is it a good debit card for kids?
Kids don’t magically learn how to understand money or manage finances. Hence, as the older and more woke generations, we have to teach them. Do you have that moment when you wish you knew something about money when you were a bit younger? What difference would it make...
Investing in Betterment- The good, the bad, and the ugly (is there?)
Many people fear investing. That is still a fact. One reason they point out is the lack of funds. These people would typically say, “I don’t have a lot of money, so I can’t invest,” or “I’ll just wait until I have more.” However, It doesn’t take much money to start...
Betterment Rollover 401k- What is it and How does 401k Rollover Work?
Are you considering rollover your 401(k) into a Roth or Traditional IRA? This post will guide you. Moreover, we’ll teach you how it is done using one of the sought-after Robo-advisor today, the Betterment app. So, get ready to roll! Related: Saving for...
Instacart vs Shipt- Which is better for shoppers and drivers?
Instacart vs Shipt, ever wonder which is the best grocery delivery app for customers and side hustlers? There are only two huge names out there in the world of online grocery and delivery economy gigs. Well, probably you’ve heard of others since it's a booming...