Fitness Side Hustle: A True Money Maker for Health Enthusiasts

Aside from keeping you stay in shape, a fitness side hustle could also be a lucrative side job in the emerging economy gig.

Last Updated: November 18, 2021

Last Updated: November 18, 2021

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Are you looking for other ways to make more money?

Well, a fitness side hustle might be the right one for you.

Nowadays, moonlighting to meet ends and pay the bills is a wise and practical move. You can even be your boss and work on your own time.

Do you consistently work out and have a natural passion for fitness and health? You might want to try a fitness side hustle then!

It’s perfect for those who have the discipline in their endeavors, as a fitness side hustle would require you to do this.

You can be a fitness instructor, a personal trainer, or even a dog walker, whichever fits your niche the most.

And don’t worry about the pay. It’s quite a good part-time job too for a few hours of work while doing your daily exercise.

Want to know more? Read on.

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What are my options for a good fitness side hustle? 

The most effective fitness side hustles are becoming a fitness instructor or a personal trainer, virtually or physically.

A dog walker may count too if it’s your interest!

Fitness or Gym Instructor

fitness side hustle

If you’re a regular gym-goer, a fitness or gym instructor is usually the focal person found at gyms.

Essentially, they ensure that fellow gym-goers use the tools and gym equipment correctly and safely.

They’re also there to ensure that correct gym equipment techniques are strictly adhered to to avoid injuries.

As a gym instructor, you will also be tasked to handle multiple people and ensure that everyone’s properly assisted and the facility is appropriately taken care of.

Hence, it is a food fitness side hustle especially if you’re into fit and healthy living.

Related: Get Paid By Walking: 9 Apps That Will Pay You To Walk and Earn Rewards

Fitness Course Creator or Teacher

fitness side hustle

It can be an extension of a fitness instructor.

You can host yoga, Pilates, or spin classes with students from various age groups.

It’s not a problem if you have no-show students, as you will still get paid in full for teaching the rest of your students. Moreover, you can choose to do it physically or online.

Depending on the class, the hourly rate could range from $20 to $50.

To become one, all you have to do is check in your local gym and ask the procedure on how to be a part-time instructor for specific classes.

They may require you to demonstrate your capabilities as an instructor during the application, but this dramatically works well. Among the privileges are you can fit a class based on your preferred schedule.

Related: Top 10 Best Online Teaching Jobs in 2021: Teaching Side-Hustle

Personal Trainer

personal trainer

On the other hand, as the name suggests, a personal trainer personally helps students achieve their fitness goals.

It’s usually a one-on-one session. Wherein you, as the trainer, will have to dig deep and discuss with your student to build a long-standing relationship.

It includes knowing their limitations in exercising. If they have some illness that could potentially harm them while performing routines, meal plans, etc. It is to know your student’s physical and emotional capabilities fully.

From this, you will have to formulate a plan suited for them. For example, such programs could get buff and gain muscles, lose weight or stay fit, depending on your student’s needs.

Pros and Cons

Compared with a fitness instructor, since you’re only handling an individual student, you both need schedule adjustment.

Aside from that, it does not require you both to be at the gym. You can also do virtual training provided that your student would have the specific equipment available to perform the routines.

You would have to still keep sharp attention to details though being their accountability partner. That’s why it also requires total commitment from you. Even if it’s just a part-time job, you wouldn’t want to keep your student hanging.

It isn’t good for business and, at the same time, does not boost morale and speaks about your priorities. Personal training is the most commonly used fitness side hustle due to how flexible the work is. Plus, you can do it in the comfort of your own home anytime.

For entry-level personal trainers, the average pay is $16.70 hourly.

Of course, experience also means higher pay and the more students you teach.

To some extent, personal training can earn you up to $100,000 plus per year.

A significant drawback, though, is that as a personal trainer, your income would come directly from your only student.

It could pose problems for a no-show student since that means the class would have to be canceled and would leave you with no income unless, of course, the payment has already been settled before you fulfilled the service.

Therefore, be clear on the terms and conditions to avoid problems in the future.

Pet Services

pet walking services

Believe it or not, dog walking services are available where you can earn up to $50 per walk.

Not the most used fitness side hustle, but anything that earns decent money while working your muscles should be fine. I

f you’re always in the mood to take a walk with a cute companion and stroll at the park, this one’s for you!

Various online applications like Rover and Paw Shake exist to find interested applicants to take their pets with you for a walk, both of which are still currently active in said industry.

A continuous increase in pet ownership in most states and more pet owners starting to get close to their pets drives demand for pet services.

This eventually led to a change in consumers’ buying patterns as more pet owners treat and spoil them (as they should).

The fact that the US economy has also been stable for the last five years led to an increase in most employees’ disposable income that usually goes straight to their fur friends.

Especially now that the pandemic is starting to subside, pet owners are continuously seeking this service as they go back to their usual routines and get busy.

If dog owners happen to love your service, it could be a regular thing too, and you can even do a business out of it.
It honestly sounds fun!

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How do I turn my daily fitness routine into a side hustle? 

First, you have to know how to start a fitness side hustle by clearly defining your workout routines.

What are your favorite exercises that you’re confident and would know how to teach?

Which among these has worked best for you in achieving your fitness goal? 

Go back to your options and check which could work for you best. For example, having specialization in specific training could help you determine your market and become a better coach.

The technical aspects or skills required are already there, assuming that you have extensive experience in working out, but making a fitness side hustle would require you to get into it.

You have to know how to make it easy, not for you, but for your students (and dogs).

More than the required reps your students have to do, you also have to pay attention to how you make them feel. First-time gym-goers usually grab whatever tool it is that they can find and would know how to use.

Maybe the treadmill after searching on Google how to navigate one. But you, as their teacher, should know how to approach and handle the situation.

Aside from physically doing the exercises with your students (and dogs too!), you may also do monetized nutritional or workout plans for companies or individuals.

Providing them with said manuals lessens the hassle on your end to discuss further the service you may offer to your future students.

They get to have an overview of possible fitness programs that could also be useful. This could be a passive income as long as you can present credibility to your market.

Depending on the demand, you may also do customized or personalized training programs suitable for their needs.

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What should I expect in having a fitness side hustle?

Some fitness companies would charge applicants for instructor training before they pursue the job, even as a part-timer.

For the short training program, you have to do before cutting. Therefore, it is usually recommended for beginners to help you know the basics of training students.

It would be best to consider that having a fitness side hustle is a real job where you have to put in time and effort to do well and get paid decently.

Having this job means that you will have to adjust your usual routines and fit them into your schedule.

As a trainer, you will have to impart your skills, patience, and time. You have to commit if you want to do it correctly.

It will take up energy, too, and expect that it will be tiring, so take as much rest as you can as just like any job, you can also get burnout by simply doing this fitness side hustle.

But above all this, you may expect the job to be an enjoyable side hustle, especially the one where you can take dogs for a walk.

It’s a mere sideline which you may also shift to full-time as long as you enjoy the job!

Key Takeaways

A fitness side hustle is a good idea to stay fit and earn a decent amount.

It can be a part-time job, based on your availability and capabilities.

It also does not necessarily mean to do your workout routine at the gym or with an audience, as you may also impart your knowledge and skills through various online platforms in words, tutorials, and even through sample plans.

Take advantage of the fact that everything today is primarily digital. Your innovative mind is the only limit!

Always see to it that you are taking on this job to impact someone’s life, and it is your job to help them reach their fitness goal.

You will become a part of their fitness journey, and it is your responsibility to help them grow and love the process.

Becoming a fitness instructor or a personal trainer does not end after pulling off service and getting paid.

You should always be active at consistently learning to be better at your craft, and you won’t be limited to a certain extent.

Maybe some certifications too could be suitable that will help improve your credentials. Nowadays, we have many resources that you can use to make you a better person, coach, and business owner.

Finance and fitness combined are not that complicated if you’d come to think of it.

Achieving a supermodel’s body does not have to cost a lot, but helping someone achieve a supermodel’s body could earn you a lot!

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