If you want to start building real wealth, it takes a whole new mindset shift. Hence, it all begins in the mind.
Now what can help you better than rich mindset quotes plus money mantras!
Sometimes, we need a good ole classic quote to inspire and motivate us to get through the day.
So are you looking for rich mindset quotes that will help you take charge and attract wealth plus abundance this year?
What better way to learn the proper money mindset? Take a look at others who’ve excelled at making, earning, investing, and saving their money in these 21 rich mindset quotes.
Related reading: How can I get rich quickly? Get Rich Quick, Explained.
What is a rich mindset?
A rich mindset is an accumulation of mental conditioning, systems, behaviors, disciplined, and beliefs that one must practice in everyday life if one wants to live an enriching life.
Carol Dweck, the author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, has a related study about mindset. As most people have a growth vs. fixed mindset, a rich mindset thrives on the growing one.
When you have a rich mindset, you don’t necessarily worry about money; instead, you have a strong faith and belief that you are worthy and wealthy already. That the resources are available to you, there are more opportunities, and you firmly believe that you can achieve financial success.
It’s all about in the mind and right mindset! People with a rich mindset saves, invest, and grow their money for a better future and are not afraid to expand their bubble; always learning and growing like a growth mindset attitude.
Rich Mindset Quotes
The following are the different rich mindset quotes compiled; I hope that you find inspiration in them as much as I am too. These are to manifest wealth, abundance, and overall financial success.
1. Knowledge is wealth.
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Old but gold, and still relevant today. Sometimes, wealth and being in the state of richness doesn’t only comprise or can be applied to material possessions.
For instance, your knowledge and skill is an investment itself that will surely bring you to many enriching places and experiences.
2. The best time when to invest in the stock market.
Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy.
This is an excellent reminder from the legend and a very good friend of mine, Warren Buffet. In investing, you must separate your emotions and think logically.
Don’t fall into the hype, and do your best research when entering any ventures in life.
3. Education is the key to making money.
Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.
This is also another one of the rich mindset quotes that pertain to how education is your first key towards wealth.
Indeed, your bachelor’s degree will provide you a stable job or career. Still, self-learning and accumulation of experiences will make you win not just in the four corners of the classroom but also in life, in general.
4. Avoiding debts.
Never spend your money before you have it.
A great reminder of how you should spend your money. Although not everyone likes to get dictated by how one should do certain things, especially in the financial arrears, if you know how your money is going in and out, you are already one step ahead towards financial success!
This also relates to debts, especially credit cards debt. The rule here is to treat it like a debit card. Use your card, if, and only if you already have the money to pay for it in advance or you have the extra capital that you will spend for it anyway. This way, you are stretching your money.
5. On savings.
Pay yourself first.
Short but sweet and very impactful, this one rich mindset quotes tells you to prioritize savings first.
I repeat, no matter what happens, SAVE your money. Besides, no matter how small or large you can keep for now, so long as you keep on stashing money, small amounts will add up, and don’t forget the power of compounding!
6. The true essence of wealth building.
It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.
When we talked about the true essence and definition of wealth, figures are not all that matters at the end of the day.
Instead of merely making money, let it grow and work hard for you. Adopt a creator instead of a consumer mindset. But, more importantly, focus on generating wealth for your future kin.
7. Start saving, no matter how small or large you can commit.
A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned.
Another testament to how saving money will make you. Remember to get your savings straight.
Whatever future plan purchases or experiences you will do in the future, keep in mind to save for it! Moreover, save for a rainy day!
8. Assets vs. Liabilities
Know what you own, and know why you own it.
This one rich mindset quotes is one of my favorites. Essentially, Peter Lynch emphasizes the importance of knowing the difference between income-generating assets against stuff that costs you.
Look around your house and own stuff. Do you have more assets or liabilities? Assess what these are and what’s the reason behind your safekeeping them.
9. Taking control of your money.
A budget will tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.
Another favorite rich mindset quotes of mine! This is a great reminder of the essence of budgeting.
Budgeting your money will let you take charge of your finances and keep track of every penny in and out. Therefore, if you want to sync with your financial affairs, you need to have a budget! It’s your ticket to financial freedom!
Read more: How to Budget and Save Money to Transform your Finances
10. Conscious and intentional purchases.
Just because you can afford it doesn’t mean you should buy it.
Real talk, right? This quote reminds us of the beauty of conscious and intentional spending. There’s no problem if you want to buy stuff for your wants. So long as you know your needs vs. wants and are splurging on things that bring you joy and you genuinely value, go ahead and let that money roll!
But remember, just because you have the money doesn’t mean you should necessarily spend it. Think again!
11. Money is a means, not an end.
Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.
I am so in love with this quote! It tells us to not get too fixated on money alone. At the end of the day, what truly matters are things that make sense to you and your happiness.
12. Money is a tool.
Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.
Ayn Rand
Indeed, money is a tool, so you might as well use it wisely. Essentially, you are in control of your money.
13. Abundance Manifestation
What you focus on, you create more of, so if the plan is to get rich, you’re gonna want to focus on abundance as much as possible. Give as much as you can as often as you can, receive with gratitude and joy, think of money as your pal, raise your frequency and get in the flow, yo.
This is another most loved rich mindset quotes of mine! Jen Sincero is also the author of the successful You Are A Badass At Making Money self-help book. Essentially, this is a small manifestation of a money mantra that you can practice anytime and anywhere. More so, if you want to feel safe, comfortable, and just have a nice and friendly reminder of how the law of attraction can play you.
Luck is present when there is a willing right heart and opportunities open meet, so believe that you are worthy of financial freedom, have a loving relationship with money, attract it and be a magnet of wealth.
What you believe becomes your reality. Pay attention to how you relate with money and raise your vibration! Send the signal to the universe that you are now ready to make more money as it is an energetic exchange and receive awesomeness!
14. Rich mindset quotes and for wealth.
Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.
Above all, being rich is being able to enjoy life to the fullest. If you are constantly worrying, you are robbing your future self.
15. What sets you apart?
To achieve what 1% of the world’s population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only 1% dare to do..hard work and perseverance of highest order.
Every one of us has dreams and aspirations, but how many are willing to go all the way and reach them?
16. Keeping up with the Joneses.
Too many people spend money they earned… to buy things they don’t want… to impress people that they don’t like.
Stop thinking about what others will think or say. Don’t let them get to say how you live your life, especially in your money. That is the last thing you want to do! People-pleasing and seeking external validation won’t make you a living.
It’s your life; get more involved in it! Stop keeping up with the trends nor with the Kardashians. Instead, evaluate your purchases, whether you value them or not, and to whom you do it.
17. Greatest asset = TIME
Every day is a bank account, and time is your currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each.
Again, it’s not about material possessions. What good would it be if you have so much money but less time to live? Are you living the life you desire at all?
18. Investing
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
This rich mindset quotes reminds us to start investing as early as now and as young as we are! Then, take advantage of the compound interest. After all, what’s the best way to live in more than the now?
19. Befriend money.
Don’t let money run your life, let money help you run your life better.
Essentially, learn to tap into the power of how money works and unfold the money mystery. Instead of money dictating your ways of life, let it help you run or live your life better than before! Again, you must be the one who’s in control, not the other way around!
Further reading: How To Stop Living From Paycheck to Paycheck
20. Money and Success
Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.
This is all about financial freedom. When you live every day knowing you don’t owe anyone but yourself, it is such a massive sigh of relief. It can also lead to a less stressful life, abundance, and stability.
Strive to achieve all financial goals such as financial freedom, financial independence, and financial stability.
21. Rich mindset quotes for the soul
The lack of money is the root of all evil.
Back in the day, we were taught that money is the root cause of all evil in this world (or is it just me and my Asian parents?)
Well, guess what. The moment I realized how money works, it all makes a difference. The truth is, when you have enough or even more than enough money, it can really buy you your happiness (if your happiness is tied to such stuff or whatever). You can also be able to help more and give back, be generous with what you have.
Because, how can you give what you do not have?
How can I get rich thoughts?
Harnessing a rich mindset or thoughts isn’t rocket science. The human brain loves complex issues. More often, we love to dwell on complicated routes rather than things that will make life easier.
However, if you want to change your attitude and overall condition, mindset is the first step. There are so many sources you can start manifesting these rich thoughts. You can read financial, business, or self-help books, search the internet for rich mindset quotes, practice these money mantras, and live with them every day.
More importantly, take action!
What are rich thoughts?
The internet is rich with vast sources of blogs, videos, and courses that will tell you how to become rich and attract abundance in your life. Moreover, the internet loves quotes!
You can begin meditating and practicing these rich mindset quotes, own it like your life mantra, and live with it all the days of your life! A simple quote can make a difference in life’s perspectives.
Final thoughts
Overall, through these rich mindset quotes, learn to develop your money mindset first. Then, let go of self-limiting beliefs you might have about money. I know it’s not easy, but eventually, you can learn to release what’s holding you back slowly but surely.
By letting doubts and negativity go and conditioning yourself first, you are doing yourself a favor of being financially successful. Therefore, ditch those money myths you might have brought along during your formation, filter any information you receive, be logical and try to get out of your comfort bubble.
Do you have a favorite quote about money or rich mindset quotes that wasn’t listed above? Share below in the comments; I would love to read your favorite money quotes.
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