Hi there, Welcome to The Finance Boost.
Very often, topics concerning money can seem very scary and complicated, which is why it can feel like a daunting task to manage money properly.
This website is here to take out the mystery from money topics and help you get better at your finances.
A Little Backstory

As a young adult with my first paying job out of college, I started getting a regular paycheck, and for the first time, I began to wonder how money really worked.
Of course, I understood the concept of exchanging money for goods and services very well. However, I heard words like Roth IRA, 401K, Debt consolidation, Mortgage, Mutual Funds, High Yield Savings accounts, Retirement Accounts, and Equities being thrown around. If you were like me with no prior financial education at the time, you’d be lost too.
It’s often easy to get into a financial crisis when you have no clue what to do with all the money you make. So, I realized that having a financially secure future meant that I had to understand what to do with the money I have today.
I started to do a lot of research on organizing and controlling my money to make sure it can work for me now and in the future, and now I want to share that knowledge with anyone who might need it.
What to Expect
There will be topics that give insights into budgeting, saving, debt management, and investing and information on the tools and software that can help you automate these processes to make them easier to navigate. You will get the knowledge that’ll help you develop the mindset and confidence to control your finances and also be able to help others do the same.
The Bottom Line
Financial literacy has been underemphasized and over ignored over the years and will always be one of the main factors in deciding who gets richer and who doesn’t. It’ll also impact how soon you can start living the ideal lifestyle you truly desire.
This website’s mission is to provide as much financial knowledge as possible to everyone from as young as they can understand to those in retirement because money matters aren’t rocket science after all.
To acing money,
Founder of The Finance Boost